Mikali's Heartwarming CSR Initiative: Bringing Joy to Children at Sweet Care in Selayang

Mikali's Heartwarming CSR Initiative: Bringing Joy to Children at Sweet Care in Selayang

Mikali's Heartfelt CSR Initiative at Sweet Care in Selayang

On January 4, 2024, Mikali, under the compassionate leadership of its Founder & CEO, Kaily Yap (米妈) and Wiiny Tham, undertook a significant Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative to bring joy and support to needy children. This heartwarming event took place at 宝儿养育之家 (Sweet Care) in Selayang, a non-profit organization established in 2013, which currently shelters 60 or more children from orphaned and broken families.

A Day Filled with Smiles and Laughter

The day was marked by the donation of essential food items, delightful toys, and other necessities, all thanks to the generous contributions from Christin Cheng. Christin's support played a pivotal role in making this event a reality. The children’s beaming smiles and laughter echoed throughout the center, painting a vivid picture of happiness and relief.

Mikali's team engaged with the children, playing games, distributing toys, and ensuring every child felt special and loved. Seeing children exploring their new toys, from colorful scooters to playful educational kits, was heartening.

Community Engagement and Support

This initiative by Mikali underscores the company's commitment to community engagement and support. Mikali aims to foster a culture of care and social responsibility within the corporate sector by directly interacting with the children and understanding their needs.

Kaily Yap expressed her heartfelt sentiments, saying, “Seeing the joy in the eyes of these children reminds us of the impact we can make through collective efforts. At Mikali, we believe in building a successful business and nurturing and giving back to the community that supports us.”

Looking Ahead

Mikali plans to continue supporting such noble causes, with more initiatives in the pipeline to uplift the underprivileged sections of society. The company invites its stakeholders and the broader community to join hands in making a difference.

Join the Cause

Mikali encourages everyone to support Sweet Care and similar organizations. Together, we can create a world where every child feels valued and loved. For more information on contributing or volunteering, please visit Sweet Care’s official website.

Contact Information

For media inquiries or more details about Mikali’s CSR activities, please contact:

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